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Herb Talk Welcome (Introduce yourself!) Hi to all Fungi enthusiasts!


Hi to all Fungi enthusiasts!

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  • #16068
    Passionate Fungi

      Hey, I am so excited to find this herb forum! My interest in the benefits of medicinal mushrooms developed over 15 years ago when I was referred by my Qigong teacher to a TCM doctor in Sydney. He is an old school Chinese practitioner who works out of a run down old shop in Marrickville, Sydney, and is the best and most inexpensive TCM doctor I have ever found. He introduced me to capsules with both cordyceps and reishi for stress management and disease prevention. Until then I had never used medicinal mushrooms and I was blown away by their power.

      When I discovered the Happy Herb Shop in Newtown I was astounded by their collection of fungi! The range is epic and it has led me down a path of discovery and exploration with all the different ways they can be used and the potential benefits. I feel like I discovered a new home and have spent many moments geeking out on mushroom knowledge with the staff members at Newtown. They are the best. I can’t wait to discuss all things fungi on this forum with new people and continue the journey. Peace out, Doron.


        Hi Doron (Passionate Fungi)! You sound like a fun guy 😉 Welcome to our forum and community, we are so excited to have you here. I loved reading about your journey with healing fungi. I too am amazed with the prospects of this area of natural medicine and think that there is so much potential with all medicinal mushies have to offer!

        Which of the Happy Herb mushroom range have you tried? We have the Superfeast powders and recently started handcrafting our own spagyrics!

        Looking forward to connecting on your here! 🍄
        Sending health & happiness you way,
        Allison from the Happy Herb HQ

      Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)


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