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STONEBREAKER (Phyllanthus niruri)

stonebreaker, Phyllanthus niruri, herbalism, plant medicine, herbs, herbalist
Recognisable by the florets (balls), they are actually seeds growing underneath the leaf.
 Although native to South America, STONEBREAKER grows like a weed all around Australia. I went up to Cairns and it was growing absolutely everywhere, you couldn’t go ten metres without seeing it. I ate it for about six weeks straight.
Eating a lot of fresh STONEBREAKER made me really thirsty, flushing through my system as an effective diuretic.
The fresh ​taste is not too bad. It also clears out your liver ducts.
Knowing it was good for kidney, bladder and gall stones, etc., I researched it on the internet and learned a lot more about it.
STONEBREAKER may potentially have some healing benefits for cancer, particularly for liver cancer. One customer diagnosed with terminal liver cancer personally told me that it “kept her alive.” While she was taking it she was alive and full of energy, so naturally she kept taking it!
STONEBREAKER is also an immune stimulant, helps white blood cell count, bone marrow, interleukin, and leucocytes, and co-ordinates your immune system.
It is also anti-inflammatory, stops mestasisation, is hepatoprotective (prevents damage to the liver), and helps get rid of really deep-seated infections like hepatitis B, AIDS, syphilis, the diseases that retreat into your nervous system where your immune system can’t really get at them.
There’s also been a lot of research done into it to use for diabetes.
It sounds like we all should be using it!

What Is Phyllanthus Niruri?

Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, PhD, MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHT on October 5, 2017 — Written by Annette McDermott
  • Antioxidant
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Ulcers
  • Blood sugar
  • Kidney stones
  • Liver health
  • Acute hepatitis B
  • Anti-cancerous

What is it?

Phyllanthus niruri is a weed found in coastal areas. It’s also known as gale of the wind or stonebreaker. Its leaves and fruit are used as herbal medicine. Phyllanthus niruri is known for protecting the liver. It also combats kidney stones, hence the “stonebreaker” moniker.

Kidney stones

Chanca piedra is best known as a potential kidney stone cure — which is how it earned the name “stone breaker.”
The herb is alkaline, so it may help prevent acidic kidney stones. It’s a less expensive, over-the-counter alternative to prescription potassium citrate, an alkalizing agent that’s commonly used to prevent acidic kidney stones. It may also help you urinate more – In one study in 56 people with kidney stones who took 4.5 grams of chanca piedra per day, researchers found that the kidney stones decreased in size and number in about two-thirds of participants.
What’s more, other small human studies have observed some benefit to taking chanca piedra for kidney stones.

Stomach ulcers

Chanca piedra extract can kill the bacterium that causes stomach ulcers from Helicobacter pylori in test-tube studies. However, this doesn’t necessarily translate to an oral supplement being effective against stomach ulcers in humans.
Test-tube studies like these typically involve highly concentrated extracts being applied directly to bacterial cells, which isn’t how oral chanca piedra supplements would work.

High blood sugar

In animal studies, the antioxidants in chanca piedra have been able to improve fasting blood sugar levels, which can help with blood sugar management.
Still, this doesn’t necessarily mean that chanca piedra would have the same effect in humans.
More research is needed to understand the effect of chanca piedra on blood sugar levels in humans.


For the same reason it may help with kidney stones, the alkalizing properties of chanca piedra may help prevent gallstones as well. It’s used in some traditional medicine practices as a gallstone treatment.
Yet, there’s no scientific evidence to support the use of chanca piedra specifically for gallstones.


Gout flare-ups can occur when high levels of uric acid build up in the blood. Chanca piedra may help balance out these levels and prevent gout attacks.
Some animal studies have shown a decrease in uric acid levels in animals receiving chanca piedra supplements.

Liver disease

Due to its antioxidant content, chanca piedra may improve liver function and help protect the liver from cellular damage caused by free radicals — unstable compounds that can cause damage when they build up in your body in high levels.
The herb also appears to be helpful for treating hepatitis B, an inflammatory viral infection of the liver — at least in animal and test-tube studies.
Because some other herbs in the Phyllanthus genus exhibit strong antiviral activity against hepatitis B — potentially rivaling that of the antiviral medication interferon — researchers theorize that chanca piedra may have similar effects.

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