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Learn about Catuaba

Botanical name: Erythroxylum vaccinifolium
Other names:

Catuaba has a long history of traditional use as an aphrodisiac and is the most famous Brazilian plant for this purpose, being used for sexual impotency and weakness. Its name comes from a Guarani word that means “what gives strength to the Indian”.

Catuaba is also considered a nervous system tonic, and is used for agitation, nervousness, insomnia and nerve pain and weakness. In European medicine it is used as a brain stimulant, and used for poor memory and forgetfulness, Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. Catuaba may be used as a general tonic in cases of debility, exhaustion and fatigue.

This Amazonian plant is in the same family as the Coca plant (the source of Coca tea & cocaine). However, Catuaba does not contain cocaine and is therefore not a restricted plant.

Preparation: 1 tsp/cup, steep 10 mins, drink 3 x daily, sweeten with honey to taste.


Reference: Leslie Taylor (2005). The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs, pp120-121, 224-227.

Catuaba Common Uses

Catuaba Actions

Catuaba Recipes

Catuaba Precautions

No known precautions, however stay on the safe side and avoid use if pregnant or breastfeeding.

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