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meditation tea ritual with lavender and guayusa


Deepen your meditation practice with this intentional ritual to set the mood & harness the energy of these herbal allies!


2 tsp Tulsi
(clear & calm the mind)

1 tsp Lavender
(calm & soothe the nerves)

1 tsp Lemon Balm
(uplift mood & relax)

1 tsp Guayusa
(for focus, clarity & vision, contains caffeine)

1 tsp Stevia, or honey

500ml Water

  1. Gather your herbs, teapot & put your kettle on to boil.
  2. Create a comfortable space to sit, light a candle or smudge if you wish.
  3. As your place each herb in the pot, thank it for its healing qualities.
  4. Pour boiled water over herbs, cover and infuse for 5-10 minutes.
  5. While you wait, do some gentle breathing, stretching or relaxation exercises.
  6. When ready, drink your tea with gratitude & the intention to receive the energies of the plant spirits and dive deeper into meditation & let all thoughts easily slip away.

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